Is my case suitable for collaborative practice?

Not all matters are suitable to be resolved through collaborative practice.

Collaborative practice may be an appropriate option for you if you and your partner:

  • Wish to spare your children from the emotional damage litigation can cause
  • Accept personal responsibility in moving forward and reaching agreement
  • Believe it is important to create healthy and more holistic solutions for your family
  • Understand and embrace the necessity to make full and frank disclosure about financial issues

Collaborative practice will not be the right option for you if:

  • Your primary aim is to seek revenge against your former spouse or partner
  • You are looking for a “soft option”
  • You think the procedure will enable you to pressure your spouse or partner to agree to your wishes
  • You want to avoid giving certain financial information to your spouse or partner
  • There has been a history of domestic violence or any form of abuse. If this has occurred, the lawyers will first have to determine whether collaborative law is appropriate. It may be that other professionals are required to be involved to assist and support you through the process and to ensure that your interests are promoted and protected.