More than half of marriages and relationships end in divorce or separation. Ending a relationship is invariably stressful for not only the couple but also the children.

A different approach 

By taking a different approach to resolving family law disputes – a collaborative approach – the entire family can benefit by being in control, reducing conflict, and avoiding court. Through the collaborative process, you and your partner can resolve your separation issues fairly and with dignity and respect. This will more likely result in a better long-term relationship.

The leading association 

Queensland Association of Collaborative Practitioners (QACP) is the leading association for collaboratively-trained professionals in Queensland. The association is growing quickly with more than 100 members and works to promote collaborative practice as a viable alternative to resolving family law disputes without litigation.

Separating couples working together 

In collaborative practice, separating couples work together with their respective collaborative lawyers and other collaborative professionals to resolve all issues without the intervention of the court. Working together, the collaborative team reach a mutually acceptable settlement agreement ensuring all financial, emotional and other issues are worked through for the benefit of the whole family.