Case Feedback

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To continue to improve collaborative practice in Australia, we would like your feedback if you have been involved in any collaborative matters.


    Surname, First Name (optional)

    Organisation (optional)

    Your Region (required)

    Your Profession/s
    LawyerAccountantMediatorSocial WorkerPsychologistFinancial AdvisorOther

    Outcome of Matter

    Approx timeframe from start to end of Collaborative process

    Approx legal fees incurred by your client

    Type of matter

    Other Collaborative professionals involved
    LawyersCommunication NeutralsFinancial NeutralsChild ExpertsOther

    Number of Meetings

    Method of Documentation
    Consent Orders-FinancialConsent Orders-ParentingBinding Financial Agreement-PropertyBinding Financial Agreement-Spousal MaintenanceOther

    Approximate value of pool

    Any other comments / information you would like to include
